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Friday, April 30, 2010

Coconut Oil and its

What is virgin coconut oil and what could it do for you?
The Healthiest Oil On Earth
The Healthy Side of Natural Fats
Know Your Fats - Weston A. Price Foundation

Coconut oil has been used for centuries as a vital source of food for health and general well being in traditional communities of tropical regions. Recent research verifies traditional beliefs that the coconut palm is “The Tree of Life” and that, just like any other pure, whole food, coconuts and virgin coconut oil have a significant role to play in a well balanced, nutritious diet. Abandoning unhealthy lifestyles and reverting to natural foods can help to reverse many of the diseases that have manifested in our bodies through the highly refined diet of our modern society. This website provides information on the researched health benefits that can be derived from using coconuts and virgin coconut oil in conjunction with a well balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Coconut oil as a "functional food".

Digestive Health and The Coconut Diet

Digestive Health and Weight Gain

When we are eating healthy whole foods with the absence of highly refined carbohydrates, weight gain should not be a problem. However, many people who have switched over to healthy diets, and have even limited their carbohydrate intake, still have problems losing weight. One reason is because many Americans suffer from some kind of digestive disorder that prevents them from properly digesting their food. Without a properly working digestive system, essential vitamins and minerals that are necessary to maintain proper weight may not be absorbed adequately from the foods we eat, even if we are eating healthy foods.

Coconut Oil and Viruses

I haven't had a cold in over 5 years. Just when I feel as though I coming down with something, the scratchy, sore throat symptoms....gone the next morning! I also use to get these little blisters on the bottom of my right foot. Someone told me they are some sort of herpes virus. Since using the coconut oil I don't get these annoying little things. Usually they would surface in the summer or when the weather turned warm. But I realized this fall that I hadn't been bothered this past summer. I believe that the coconut oil really helps ward off the virus. I also have hepatitis C and my viral counts are so low that they are almost in the undetected category. I don't even worry about this anymore. Nancy

The Coconut Diet and Skin Health

Skin Health and Virgin Coconut Oil

In addition to ingesting the coconut oil, I just have to tell you about another exciting way that coconut oil has helped me! I use it on my face and I can't believe how much it has helped. I used to spend hundreds of dollars on face creams. I won't waste my money on those empty promises again. I look ten years younger! Honestly! My pores are smaller, and my skin tone is much more even. I used to have breakouts once in awhile. Not any more thanks to coconut oil. Next March I will be 40 years old and with the help of coconut oil I will not only reach my weight loss/health goal, my face will look younger too! Kelly - Lander, WY

The Coconut Diet and Skin Health

Skin Health and Virgin Coconut Oil

In addition to ingesting the coconut oil, I just have to tell you about another exciting way that coconut oil has helped me! I use it on my face and I can't believe how much it has helped. I used to spend hundreds of dollars on face creams. I won't waste my money on those empty promises again. I look ten years younger! Honestly! My pores are smaller, and my skin tone is much more even. I used to have breakouts once in awhile. Not any more thanks to coconut oil. Next March I will be 40 years old and with the help of coconut oil I will not only reach my weight loss/health goal, my face will look younger too! Kelly - Lander, WY

Cholesterol and Coconut Oil

How Does Coconut Oil Affect Cholesterol Levels?

I imagine everyone is different, but here's my experience so far. In 2004 at age 61 I had a mild heart attack and blocked artery. My total cholesterol was 101 in the hospital. A couple of months later it was 134, after taking my cardiologist's drug store. I stopped all drugs after that, realizing after researching them that they were worthless. I then came across virgin coconut oil. I have been taking between four and six tablespoons per day with meals since then. The results-
2004 HDL 45,LDL 73,TRIG 81,LDL/HDL Ratio 1.6, Total 134
2005 HDL 73,LDL 111,Trig 47 LDL/HDL Ratio 1.5, Total 193
2006 HDL 97,LDL 113,Trig 39,LDL/HDL Ratio 1.2, Total 218.

Candida and The Coconut Diet

For the past 20 years I have been affected by a chronic illness which creates a susceptibility to opportunistic imbalances like candida. It's been 5 years that I have really been struggling with this (though the imbalance was established long before that). I read that taking Tropical Traditions Virgin Coconut Oil (TTVCO) could help with a candida imbalance and it really has. Of course, I did experience the dread die-off when I began the TTVCO (Feb '04), which is not pleasant, but I know of nothing that works to balance this situation without creating a die-off. I began using the coconut oil at 1 tsp the first day and increased by 1 tsp each day until I was taking 1 tbls with each meal (3x/day). I have also used the coconut oil to make suppositories with essential oils. This, too, has been very helpful. In addition, I am using well chosen super-strain probiotics, enzymes, and nearly impeccable eating habits. Subduing a candida overgrowth can be very costly. TTVCO is one of the more affordable tools I've come across and it's a great addition to my curry recipes and the morning oatmeal (with cardomon, cinnamon and coriander). If it can make the difference for me that it does now, I imagine that had I found this 5, 10 years ago the candida would never have gotten so out of hand. I recommend to anyone who is dealing with candida overgrowth that they read about this product and seriously consider employing it. Elizabeth - Sacramento